Podcast: Get a Look at You

San Francisco, CA 2007: Squawking and bellowing at the pier folks, the sea lion wants everyone to take a look at him. In Christ, however, it is necessary to “Get a Look at You” in order to keep the humility trains running.

From Trent Ling:

The Bible calls us to humility.  If we are able to get a real look at us, this humility should endlessly flow.  Honesty and openness will deliver the evidence and the Bible will proclaim the deal.  With a look at ourselves, we are provided a lifetime of humility long after full repentance has been had.

Do yourself a great favor and “Get a Look at You” today.

This message features the reading and preaching of the following Scriptures:

Matthew 26:31-35

Romans 7:24-25

James 1:13-15

Instructions:  To download on a Mac, control-click the message link below and select a download option.  To download on a PC, right-click the link below and select a download option.  To hear the message outright, simply click the link below and you will be redirected to a listening page.

Podcast:  Get a Look at You (January 4, 2003; 57:50)

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Podcast: Get a Look at You — 1 Comment

  1. One of the biggest things that this message made me reflect upon is the endless opportunities for humility that have been thrown my way and I’ve whizzed by them all. How bogus, I skipped out on growing opportunities and much more.

    In the message, Trent likens his endless daily reminders of humility like oil gushing from an oil rig. In it he mentions how basically it’s his fuel in remaining a disciple. Furthermore, he warns that at any time, even a slight second and even during a preached message, he can fall away by simply ignoring those reminders of humility. I have not been like that. I have been basically a boastful person, maybe not in word but in action. Sometimes we ask others to account for their darkness, seedier sins that can potentially mark their downfall, we even go as far as asking for a timeline of their sin. Which is understandable and an awesome humbling opportunity for them.

    However, how many times have I enjoyed a buffet, over eaten pizza, chomped on cheeseburgers at night, skipped meals, served myself tons of pasta, etc? More than I can possibly write down and account for in a timeline! Yet I’m asking for an account of someone else, tell me that’s not acting like someone who is ignorantly boastful. So bad.

    It just further made me grateful for God’s mercy, and how I admire that Paul concluded his deal in the bible with how “wretched” he was. I want to acknowledge how wretched I am continuously. I don’t want to forget how wretched I am. I need to be rescued, God doesn’t have to throw down a rope to me, or scale a peak to get me, or even swim through treacherous seas to throw me a life preserver, God provides plenty of opportunities for me to get a look at myself, and see how this all hinges on humility and love for God. I have been unfaithful to God, and with food at the very least! Ugh and YAY, that’s the depth of my loserdom – I can get taken out by pizza at the very least.

    Also, know that whenever there’s a “what’s going on?” question that the solution is 100% of the time to get a good look at myself. I’m not done digging but just can see how it relates with current issues and furthers conviction that my body isn’t the boss, God is – He’s the Boss :o)