Wrangell St. Elias National Park, AK 2008: No matter where you venture, God can surprise you at any moment with a rainbow or some other indication of His presence. Perhaps it makes you wonder. May it spur you on to ask “Questions” more and more.
From Trent Ling:
We all have questions. But, there are countless reasons why we fail to ask them. Based upon the call and example God sets out in the Bible, this message attempts to prompt the asking of any and all questions.
On the flip side, gird yourself, because someone will be asking questions of you also. Yes, this is a place where the give and take is standard procedure, and all conversation shall be appropriately gracious, honest, salty, and merciful.
This message features the reading and preaching of the following Scriptures:
Joshua 7:1, 10-11, 13, 20-21
Jeremiah 8:11-12
2 Corinthians 6:11-13
1 Samuel 25:30-34
Instructions: To download on a Mac, control-click the message link below and select a download option. To download on a PC, right-click the link below and select a download option. To hear the message outright, simply click the link below and you will be redirected to a listening page.
Podcast: Questions (June 4, 2005; 74:17)
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