New York, NY 2007: Excavation and rebuild have taken years at the site of ground zero in NYC from the 09/11/01 terrorist attacks. In Christ lies the “The Terrorism Solution.” Get it today and let it serve you immediately and forevermore.
From Trent Ling:
More than ever, we live today in an age of terror and terrorism. Trillions of dollars have been spent and will be spent to combat this new reality. Fortunately, God’s truth revealed in the Bible will resolve the matter free of charge for those who submit to it.
“The Terrorism Solution” will protect you from terror, fraud, incompetence, and dependence upon the hands of men. It is the only solution that God will approve. Preached just 18 days after the 09/11/01 terrorist attacks, it affords an immediate and eternal deliverance from the terrorist threat through the living and enduring Word of God.
This message features the reading and preaching of the following Scriptures:
Mk 13:1-8
Mt 16:1-19
Instructions: To download on a Mac, control-click the message link below and select a download option. To download on a PC, right-click the link below and select a download option. To hear the message outright, simply click the link below and you will be redirected to a listening page.
Podcast: The Terrorism Solution (September 29, 2001; 58:15)
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