Trent TV: Bush-Gore Hangover

Political operatives and pundits alike seem at odds to explain the relentless vitriol and division across the United States as yet another Presidential campaign heads down the homestretch.

“Demographics have shifted and confounded while sustainability of such elevated temperaments remains a growing concern” Trent shares. “This video pretty much accounts for and explains the hardened divisions, but looking on the horizon, surely the hands of men are without solution or recourse.  I suspect that we’ll once again find ourselves waiting to see what God will do with the lot of us as we insist on not being able to care for ourselves even over purely human affairs.”

For greater perspective, see Trent’s take concerning this cold political stalemate on today’s exclusive Trent TV video below:

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Trent TV: Bush-Gore Hangover — 3 Comments

  1. Great observation, its so true! I only began wondering “why is the system not working” since taking my American gov class. Before, I didn’t even think about it, which is terrible. This is the quickest run down of presidential election history ever but really puts things in perspective! May sensibility prevail.

  2. Wow! very interesting…. How do you know so much? Remember, I used to want to watch you in action (in a court)? Well, I still do 🙂

  3. It’s a little over my head, but what I’m getting from your post is that what defeats people is disunity.but not just any type of disunity but the kind where the evil/selfish intents of others embark their destructive and divisive ways onto others. I see the stalemate as an indication of disunity. I so see that this government (society at large) needs an “extreme makeover” and I’m hoping it’ll involve the kind of unity found in Christ. Were there are wholesome motives and protection inspired out of the perfect love found in Christ not at all hippie-esque. I hope that makes sense but I may be way off, it’s what popped into my mind while listening. love you and thank you for sharing all sorts of topics on here, it starts a real dialogue or at least my mind going.