A Deeply Convicted Start

Six Flags in Jackson, NJ 2007: The ride in the Kingdom of God is impossible. It is essential that those embarking upon a life in Christ bring deep conviction to the show. Even with that there is little chance of survival. But, God’s grace, mercy and perfect discipline are sufficient to make up the difference.

From Trent Ling:

The Thessalonians of the Bible are not portrayed as having the greatest or strongest character.  They typically lose nobility comparisons against others.  However, it is remarkable that in his first letter to the Church in Thessalonica, Paul declares the following:  “For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction.”  1 Thessalonians 1:4-5.

With little more than deep conviction, I wrote a letter to the people of my world when I became a disciple of Jesus on October 7, 1990.  The brothers in Christ helping me at that time thought it would be a bad idea to circulate the letter because it would be nearly impossible for the recipients to understand it.  I followed their advice and the letter was never shared.  However, my very life in Christ (beyond my unsent letters) also proved impossible for the people in my world to understand.

Though it may pose more questions than it answers, and though I still long to see all of the parameters of the letter fulfilled, I share it as a simple testament as to how deeply convicted a disciple can be right out of the gate.  May any loose adherence to the Scriptures be rebuked by these neo-natal utterances:

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A Deeply Convicted Start — 2 Comments

  1. Great letter but your brothers at the time were correct, no one would understand the depth of what you wrote. Most disciples have written such letters to ‘their people’ shortly after conversion and it did confuse more than clarify. Of course, like Trent has written, our very lives in Christ aren’t understood any better than a letter written with zeal and conviction. I recall mailing ‘My Life’ (4-page document about the real me) in 2009 to most of my family members throughout the country and their responses clearly demonstrated a lack of understanding on their part. It is as it is written: “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life” 2 Cor 2:15-16.

  2. Truly awesome letter. Thank you so much for the wonderful examples. I am humbled in remembering my “right out of the gate” convictions and determination to do whatever, no matter what. So much humility available! Thank you Father.