Podcast: Mayday!

Bogor, Indonesia 2008: A colony of ants discovered a larger and plumper insect for lunch. Determined, the ants carried the “meal” up the wall to a feasting location on a ledge. If ever there was a time for a “Mayday!” shout-out, this was it! Get busy before you get carried up and over the wall.

From Trent Ling:

“Mayday,” the worldwide distress signal, is appropriately bellowed seasonally throughout all spiritual lives.  Perhaps this message will rightly, rudely, and timely awaken your spiritual act.  May you be set on a spiritual course that matches the call of the Jesus and the God you profess to follow.  None of this is pretty or fun, but all of it is absolutely necessary.  Sound the alarm today.

This message features the reading and preaching of the following Scriptures:

Haggai 1:2-4

Luke 24:19-21, 30-32

Luke 22:31-34

Proverbs 16:2

Instructions:  To download on a Mac, control-click the message link below and select a download option.  To download on a PC, right-click the link below and select a download option.  To hear the message outright, simply click the link below and you will be redirected to a listening page.

Podcast:  Mayday! (December 1, 2007; 79:34)

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