Pasco, WA 1997: From left to right, we have Isaiah (age 3), George “Papa”, Janice “Meme”, and Arianna (age 1) about to mouth another long set of goodbyes at the airport. But, just seven months later, Meme/Papa would drop everything and move to Orlando, FL (home city to Za and Ari) and embark upon a ten-year run of legendary enrichment for all. May any and all long for even a glimpse of their vapor trails. Thus far... nobody in sight!
From Trent Ling:
If I took the time to write all that could be written about Meme/Papa and my children, I would quickly run into an unmanageable John 21:25 problem (“… if every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”). Therefore, like the Bible itself, I will scale down my efforts.
As some of you know, on March 16, 2007, Meme/Papa spent their last Friday night with Za and Ari. They will now be joining all four Ling’s at our house on Monday nights for dinner, and that plan already started March 19, 2007.
The kids have grown; needs have changed; Meme/Papa’s relationship with the kids is in transition as the kids transition slowly out of childhood and into young adulthood; and there is no longer a need for Siauw and I to get out of their way, but to help foster the spiritual future for all 6 of us.
What Siauw and I called “date night” for nearly ten years was really just an allowance of Meme/Papa to create, foster and fan into flame their own relationships with our kids. It was an inexpressible ten years to behold! The kids summarized their ten years on paper in rather spectacular gifts to Meme/Papa, but as with the Bible, the ten years are more accurately written on the hearts of Meme/Papa and Za and Ari (2 Corinthians 3:3).
“Wisdom is proved right by all her children.” Luke 7:35. The fruit of wise decisions must be seen or the decisions are not wise. Imitations (even expensive ones) cannot capture what God bore in this foursome. In the case of our parents with our kids, should Meme and the kids join Papa in being a disciple, their relationship and the inexpressible nature of it, will live forever in accordance with Matthew 18:18. It is such a tremendous opportunity to be fortified spiritually for all four of them. Meme/Papa provided to the kids and the kids provided to Meme/Papa dimensions to each of their lives that cannot be copied, patterned, or captured in any other case on earth, as I see it. Boundless energy and enthusiasm, love, discovery, accommodation, respect, kindness, laughter, risk, comfort, time and patience, newness, tears, trouble, understanding, fellowship, fruit, and fulfillment marked all four life paths.
Yes, Siauw and I were enabled by God to enjoy our opportunity to grow together and to rest while getting out of the way of Meme/Papa and the kids. Ephesians 5:16 and Ecclesiastes 5:19-6:2. But, we knew all along that the truest riches were being rained from heaven upon our one-in-a-trillion children and our one-in-a-trillion parents.
I write this because I am compelled at least to pause and acknowledge the gravity of what has taken place over ten years, though it cannot be put on a platter for consumption (as most of the Spirit’s work cannot be put on a platter). I also write this that those who claim to pattern their lives after ours may have the opportunity to grapple with at least the idea that spiritual truths and wisdom underlie and direct all of our steps, producing children/fruit which proves wisdom to be wisdom.
If you do not know what the Spirit is saying here, do not worry about it, as it must be intended for someone else. I do recommend more than one reading.
Thanks Meme and Papa. You quit careers, hometowns, and lives. You moved as far as you could move without leaving the country. You had no idea what you were doing, but were determined to face it all in addition to heat and humidity “perhaps” in order to “help with the grandkids.” You blew the doors off the plan!! Don’t bother looking around as there is nobody even approaching your rearview mirrors in the race of serving and giving wholeheartedly!!
I could go on and on and on. I will tell God of it in heaven where there will be more time.
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