Trent TV: Football Frustration

Today, Trent TV compares ministering and educating to the game of football.  As Jesus saw and shared ministering parables and parallels from common, everyday things, Trent Ling also notices plenty of examples and explanations readily observable in daily life.

“Many people live and die in heart with their favorite football team during this time of year,” Trent notices.  “But will people make the effort to be what they demand their favorite team’s players to be?  Great orchestrating work from Heaven goes to waste when callings and instructions are ignored, forgotten, or taken casually.  Similarly, wonderful instruction in the classroom amounts to nothing as it gets snuffed out by compromising circumstances in the lives of students and hearers. This will forever frustrate those who care.”

For more on the subject, watch the exclusive Trent TV video below:

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Trent TV: Football Frustration — 4 Comments

  1. It is a shame that the quarterback has to run the ball EVERY TIME because the rest of the team is sitting in the sidelines. He might look down the field now and then in the hopes that there is a wide receiver eagerly awaiting the pass, but when he realizes that his teammates are all drinking the “Gatorade of dumbness” in the sidelines, he must run the ball for the sake of the Kingdom. ½ a yard on every play is not what God intended! Placing the burden of the other team’s defense on a few that are faithful, is not how God designed it. If I was the team owner, the coach, or the assistant coach (Trinity) I would erase lukewarmness from the roster. If you don’t want to play professionally and honor with your efforts the millions you have received, go play little league or don’t plat at all! Touchdowns or pencil pushing, what is it?

  2. Thank you so much for this. Siauw, you have said it perfectly. Thank you for what you have written and Trent, for the TV part! God is so faithful and so loving to give us such a wonderful opportunity to love others in return.
    It is mentioned in here how all cylinders have to be running — one of the best sounds to me is the sound of a loud engine that is perfectly timed and running on high octane fuel! God offers wonderfully high octane fuel — for the taking. We must get all the cylinders to fire! That would be awesome!

  3. I join you in your frustration. Paul told the Corinthians, 2 Corinthians 13:11Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. Also in Colossians 2:2 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ. Bottom line, we have to be like minded, have the same purpose to reach the goal. Bottom line, we all should work as a team, be of one mind to get the victory!