Trent TV: Why I Annoy You

Trent Ling has been ruffling feathers and breaking “rules” throughout each of his years.  Of course, coming to Christ at age 25 only exacerbated the irritations.  Today, claiming some innocence as usual, Trent explains some of the spiritual forces beneath such wrangling.

“I mean zero-point-zero people any harm,” Trent insists.  “However, I do mean to persuade those unknowingly headed for a cliff.  In that, much must be accomplished in a short time, and unless hearts and minds open to the obvious truths that God has made plain to all, it’s a wrestling match at best.  Worse than that, most survivors ultimately settle with me and do not ever proceed onto the availed, rip-roaring relationship with God.  In these cases, things are never well, and I am relegated to being but a thorn in the side.  What a mess.”

For more, see today’s exclusive Trent TV video below:

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Trent TV: Why I Annoy You — 4 Comments

  1. Fel & Siauw, you guys are the best, I’m glad about your convo on here. To fellowship with Feliz, when younger in Christ and still at times, whenever I only consider myself it is a suffocating feeling. Everything seems to bother me, I remember one time even telling Siauw and Trent to my shame, “anytime I talk with you your children interrupt” I still remember saying that, and it burns in me with so much indignation that I even thought that way, but that’s we are really selfish people, it’s a good thing we’ve come to our senses, now we all just have to put the pedal to the medal and really take the humility home and consider the interest of others, it is to the interest of others (Philippians 2:4 “not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”) and that we set examples to follow and eliminate the excuses. Joansie and Pat as well as others did that with me early on and boy did I run out of excuses :o) the final thought was “if they could do it and look at the fruit produced (so many helped and they were no longer heathen like) – why am I not?” love you guys!

  2. Thank’s Siauw. I am humbled how I have been so selfish (me,me,me). Also, I cannot be the house dog waiting for the snack! It’s so exciting to see that there is a way out of this – to do the will of the Father! Fasting from Trent that I may do the will of God and in doing so – join him – is so much better. Father, please burn any remnants of me that remain – for I must do your will and not leave any room for annoyance!

  3. Hey Feliz, good to see you chiming in here. Thanks for being honest 🙂 You are not the only one! Bottom line, if you are thinking only what’s good for you.. you will always be annoyed by us, not only by what we have said to you but our existence in this planet will annoy you. Why did you say that about me?.. why didn’t you call me?… why haven’t anyone texted me?… I’m so weak, I need you to comfort me,… me, me, and me!! Until that “me” is out of the picture, and ready to care for others, I guarantee you’ll be annoyed for the rest of your life.

  4. Trent and all,
    Listening to what Trent said bring me to some thinking I would share. Some who know my life after I claimed, “Jesus is Lord” may see it. Anyway, I want to lay it down.

    For five years after being baptized, I did not seek God, I seek to win my mother in Christ’s heart, to win Trent’s heart and others in the ministry, and also to win the world’s heart. As Trent said God will curse me because of that – because he loves me, it is obvious in my life. I have been struggling with the same issue of my heart and feeling annoyed with those who do the work/prepare the spiritual food for me.
    Thank you for reminding me that it is between me and God; and what I must do not to get annoyed. I have not even considered the heart of you and others who are up to be the ‘annoying’ persons. –> I get the meaning of love.